When you are feeling intense pain in your joints or bones very frequently, it’s not a healthy sign at all, but it’s indicating that something is wrong. In such cases, you should make an appointment to the best pain relief clinic and get diagnosed by the specialists.
Why should you visit a pain management specialist?
There are several reasons why should you go only to the specialist if such kind of pain is annoying you frequently. But here in this article, we will talk about three major reasons, these are
• General practitioners can manage some of your tricky muscle or joint pain, but a pain management specialist is particularly trained to deal with such problems at a much deeper level. With the new inventions and cutting edge technology, pain management specialists can cure your pain effectively.
• The goal of pain management is not just to cure the area for a limited time, but treat the whole person. The procedures may include,
• Psychological therapies
• Meditation
• Physical therapy
• Lifestyle modification, like diet, yoga, and exercise
• Acupuncture
• Healing massage therapy
• When it comes to bone or joint pain, a different approach is required for different individuals. Pain management is a personalized treatment method that will include both medicinal and non-medicinal ways to cure the pain form the roots.
Why should you visit a pain management specialist?
There are several reasons why should you go only to the specialist if such kind of pain is annoying you frequently. But here in this article, we will talk about three major reasons, these are
• General practitioners can manage some of your tricky muscle or joint pain, but a pain management specialist is particularly trained to deal with such problems at a much deeper level. With the new inventions and cutting edge technology, pain management specialists can cure your pain effectively.
• The goal of pain management is not just to cure the area for a limited time, but treat the whole person. The procedures may include,
• Psychological therapies
• Meditation
• Physical therapy
• Lifestyle modification, like diet, yoga, and exercise
• Acupuncture
• Healing massage therapy
• When it comes to bone or joint pain, a different approach is required for different individuals. Pain management is a personalized treatment method that will include both medicinal and non-medicinal ways to cure the pain form the roots.
Causes of back pain
At some point in time, everyone experiences back pain. In some cases, it might go away after 3-4 days, but in other cases, back pain might go away, but can come back after days, months and even years. If something is happening with you then you must visit a back pain doctor Singapore soon.
Due to incorrect weight lifting or heavy weight lifting at the gym or workplace, our muscles get strained. Muscle strain can also happen for other activities, such as feeling stiffness after sitting for a long time at work.
Structural problems
Back pain can cause if the interlocking discs gets misbalanced due to daily activities or any major or minor injuries. Herniated discs can be very painful and can cause massive pain while sleeping, tingling or even numbness.
If you have spinal osteoarthritis, it could lead you to severe back pain problems. If such conditions are left untreated, it could narrow the spinal column, which is called spinal stenosis.
Some other causes of back pain
• Spondylolosthesis
• Loss of nerve function
• Fungal or bacterial infection at the spinal area
• Cancer
• Kidney stones or infections
Home remedies for back pain
You might get astonished that several home remedies are very effective to treat back pain problems, which are very cheap too. But, if even after trying all the home remedies, your back pain isn’t showing any sign of leaving, you have to visit a pain management clinic.
Heat and cold therapy
It is one of the most common home remedies that all of us used at least once in our life. If you have ever used heat and cold therapy, you know how effective it is. But, don’t apply the ice directly to your skin as it might damage your skin, rather use towels or soft clothes or the best way would be to use an ice bag.
You must follow some light exercise, definitely not weight training or do as directed by your physiotherapist.
Essential oils
Essential oil that contains lavender is very helpful to heal the back pain problem.
Salt bath
A hot bath would be nice, but if you add some Epsom salt, your body will absorb the necessary minerals to treat muscle aches.