Pain occurs due to various reasons. There are painful conditions in different parts of our body. Different pains may occur due to different conditions of the body. But one thing that is common with all the pains is that you cannot go on with your normal routine when you are in pain. It disturbs normal life. Pain has been the reason for a lot of people absenting themselves from work. It reduces the person's productivity. Chronic pain can cause the person to become irritated and cause mental depression. There is a need for the person to be relieved from pain. In many cases, the pain is taken care of first and then the underlying cause is treated. PRP injection in Singapore is being used to treat various kinds of conditions that cause pain.
Understanding Uses Of PRP Injection In Singapore
PRP stands for Platelet-Rich Plasma and it is used to inject into certain parts of the body to trigger the growth of tissues and alleviate pain. It promotes the healing of tissues. Plasma is a component of your blood and it contains proteins and other factors that promote cell growth and tissue regeneration. PRP is produced by separating plasma and concentrating it. It has been observed that injecting PRP stimulates the growth of new and healthy cells which will speed up the healing process.
PRP is mainly used in ligament and tendon injuries. Tendons usually take a long time to heal. Sometimes the area of injury is not repaired at all. The injection of PRP will trigger the body to start repairing the area. Chronic tendon problems have been cured with PRP injection. It is also used in acute injuries such as that occurs with sports. When there is an increased number of platelets the stimulation to repair is more. This therapy has helped many people to be relieved of pain.
The Preparation Of PRP And Injection Procedure
As already mentioned, PRP is platelet-rich plasma and plasma is a component of the blood. So, your blood has to be first taken to prepare the PRP for injection. The amount of blood collected will depend on where it is to be injected. The sample of blood is taken for extracting the plasma. The plasma must be extracted from the blood. This is done using a centrifuge that spins at high speed to separate the plasma. The process takes about 15 minutes. The area of the injection is located by using ultrasound imaging.
In most cases, PRP injection is administered after applying a local anesthetic to the area. This will numb the place and reduce the pain of the injection. In other cases, the local anesthetic is mixed with PRP and the injection is administered. This will automatically numb the area as soon as the needle touches the skin. PRP is also administered during surgery of the affected area.
Various Pains That Will Take You To The Doctor
There are many pain conditions other than tendon or ligament injuries that are treated by PRP. These pain conditions may require only a pain-relieving medicine for immediate relief. The underlying cause may need to be investigated and treated so that the pain doesn't recur. Pain in different parts of the body occurs due to many reasons. It could be due to an injury. There could be a pain due to neurological problems. Sometimes pain occurs due to arthritis which is a condition that occurs due to aging.
One of the main reasons for visiting a pain doctor in Singapore is for back and neck pain which are common occurrences. These pains are usually associated with the wrong posture. With people spending a greater number of hours at work, the occurrence of back and neck pain is on the rise.
Understanding Uses Of PRP Injection In Singapore
PRP stands for Platelet-Rich Plasma and it is used to inject into certain parts of the body to trigger the growth of tissues and alleviate pain. It promotes the healing of tissues. Plasma is a component of your blood and it contains proteins and other factors that promote cell growth and tissue regeneration. PRP is produced by separating plasma and concentrating it. It has been observed that injecting PRP stimulates the growth of new and healthy cells which will speed up the healing process.
PRP is mainly used in ligament and tendon injuries. Tendons usually take a long time to heal. Sometimes the area of injury is not repaired at all. The injection of PRP will trigger the body to start repairing the area. Chronic tendon problems have been cured with PRP injection. It is also used in acute injuries such as that occurs with sports. When there is an increased number of platelets the stimulation to repair is more. This therapy has helped many people to be relieved of pain.
The Preparation Of PRP And Injection Procedure
As already mentioned, PRP is platelet-rich plasma and plasma is a component of the blood. So, your blood has to be first taken to prepare the PRP for injection. The amount of blood collected will depend on where it is to be injected. The sample of blood is taken for extracting the plasma. The plasma must be extracted from the blood. This is done using a centrifuge that spins at high speed to separate the plasma. The process takes about 15 minutes. The area of the injection is located by using ultrasound imaging.
In most cases, PRP injection is administered after applying a local anesthetic to the area. This will numb the place and reduce the pain of the injection. In other cases, the local anesthetic is mixed with PRP and the injection is administered. This will automatically numb the area as soon as the needle touches the skin. PRP is also administered during surgery of the affected area.
Various Pains That Will Take You To The Doctor
There are many pain conditions other than tendon or ligament injuries that are treated by PRP. These pain conditions may require only a pain-relieving medicine for immediate relief. The underlying cause may need to be investigated and treated so that the pain doesn't recur. Pain in different parts of the body occurs due to many reasons. It could be due to an injury. There could be a pain due to neurological problems. Sometimes pain occurs due to arthritis which is a condition that occurs due to aging.
One of the main reasons for visiting a pain doctor in Singapore is for back and neck pain which are common occurrences. These pains are usually associated with the wrong posture. With people spending a greater number of hours at work, the occurrence of back and neck pain is on the rise.